and of course what I liked about election night.
Like the majority of the USA, I'm excited about Barack Obama being elected President. It's obviously huge progress for America when a man that wouldn't have been allowed to vote fifty years ago. On top of that, the Republicans have finally been held accountable for their failures in the last 8 years. On a personal note, online poker regulation in the US will never go anywhere with a Republican as President, so I'm also happy about that.
I really enjoyed thinking about this election for many different reasons. I basically realized that I am not too strongly in support of either party. I'm probably more moderate than I even care to believe. Whenever I argued with people about issues, I was able to take a deeper look into things and really think about them. Above all, I think I've accepted that personal freedom in the United States is the most important individual quality that should apply to government. I also think that a large government is inherently inefficient and bad (neither party appealed on this issue). Of course, we need some things done by government (national defense, roads, schools, social services, etc.) I firmly believe that when the government infringes upon individual freedoms, democracy loses. The goals of this Obama administration should be to restore individual freedoms and be fiscally responsible. I believe that if the Democrats do these two things in every way they can, the Republican party won't win in the United States for a long time.
On a sad election day note, I am upset in seeing several measures pass putting a ban on gay marriage. I firmly believe that our government was set forth to allow personal freedoms and personal choices be just that, personal. If a personal choice is made that does not harm society as a whole, it should be allowed. In terms of gay marriage, those individuals are seeking their right to pursue happiness. It's a basic tenant on which our country was founded upon. It's the civil rights issue of the next fifty years. When we look back at that point, it will be clear that we all made a mistake. I'm not surprised that these bans passed. Most people fear what they don't know and what they aren't. Most people are heterosexual. Our country is always supposed to protect the minorities. In this case, I feel that we are failing as a country.
Republicans booing John McCain's comments at his concession speech was really the highlight of my night. It summed up this party over the last 8 years as a divisive, intolerant, selfish entity of American government. You didn't see people booing at Kerry's concession speech despite severe displeasure with the administration. Democrats have impressed me in being able to be tolerant of both viewpoints when it matters. I hope they do the same when they are in control because that is what the US needs.
Alaska. Seriously?!? Come on!!! You reelected a Senator that was just charged with corruption in the form of 7 counts related to lying about gifts received. This guy deceived America and used his office for personal gain. His actions have no place in American democracy, but somehow, Alaska puts him back in office. Way to go Alaska! You seriously fail as a state and are embarrassing to the this country.
John McCain
I thank this man for his service and graceful, humble concession. If we had more of this real McCain in the election, it might have been closer. Republicans have always made him the sacrificial lamb when it's convenient. I hope he gets back to work in the Senate the way he has before. He's completely wrong about the war in basically every regard, but bless his heart.
Barack's Speech
I was almost brought to tears listening to his acceptance speech last night. It was what America is all about. I take him at his word as well as he enters an extremely tough time in American history.
Anyone else notice how attractive the four women (Palin, Biden, McCain, Obama) are? So much for having an ugly wife and running for President.
Thats just Kevin and Jim Sigworth pouring the celebratory champaign all over themselves as if they were the Indians winning the Pennant.
Congrats guys on 4 years of wealth distribution, and tree hugging.
Let’s take a look at the Republican base as of today. The Christian Right who are as intolerant as any group of people in the world. The Reagan Republicans who are past Democrats who are against affirmative action or anything African-American. (I heard more totally racist remarks in the last two months from people that I know well, than I have heard in the past 10 years). And not to be forgotten, the NRA group. The signs at the Palin rallies said “God and guns”. (I wonder what God is thinking?)
Joe the Plumber was so dumb that he didn’t understand that Obama’s tax policy was the only way he would ever have a chance in our economy.
Exit polls showed that the those people with the most education supported Obama and the wealthiest members as identified as those making more than $200,000 a year supported Obama even those their taxes would go up.
My father who is 87 and so many other older white Americans could not bring themselves to vote for a Black man. Many will not be around in 2012. Young voters supported Obama 2 to one.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a Republican candidate who excelled in school? I hope Bobby Jindal is their candidate in 2012 and not a fool like Sarah Palin. The only problem is that he is so bright that the base won’t trust him.
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