Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Seriously Media Stop

I know we made a huge deal when Barack Obama said this because now that an inexperienced, sexy 42 year old woman is running and she tells jokes instead any talking about any real policy matters, it might offend people.

I will give this to Republicans. They are brilliant at running campaigns. They play perfectly to the fears of the ignorant base in the United States. This campaign should be a 70-30 lock by the Democrats after 8 years of failed governing that have led to a recession and economic crisis. They are almost up in some polls because they just flat out lie. How can you win a campaign based on pushing for the "Bridge to Nowhere" then in the next campaign claim you defeated it.

This campaign I'm extremely sick of it, and I wish the media would just report real news listed below.

1. Policy proposals
2. Polls once every month
3. Debate topics
4. Records of those running

Everything else is sludge that is usually just a giant lie. One side lies more than the other because they desperately have to in order to win.


Anonymous said...

Oh so true.

Not a day goes by where I don't observe more racial prejudice from my generation.

This will be looked on as the Dark Ages of American history.


Anonymous said...

Apparently Mr. Sigworth was so excited to agree with your far left rhetoric that he forgot how to spell his own last name!!