I'm in Mentor for everyone who lives here, so let's hang out or something. I'll be here for the 18th and plan on playing a very minimal amount of poker aside from fun cash games at Keith's and hopefully some sort of friend poker club. I also have a seat into the 530 HORSE tournament as part of the FTOPS sometime next week that I'm going to need to play.
So I have to comment on two of the shows I watch.
First off, Survivor is almost unbelievable as my favorite, Erik, just decided to quit and give up immunity. This is something I have never seen done since watching the show. Immunity is not to be given up. If you are this dumb, you don't deserve to win.
Now, LOST is seemingly out of control. Here is the problem with LOST. Because of the writer's strike so much is happening at once now that I think people are getting a little overwhelmed.
Locke's flashback was simply genius and finally gave us some insight into his childhood and interactions with individuals related to the island. It all seems very planned and conspiracy related now. With both Richard and Abbadon meeting Locke at different stages of his life (childhood and in wheelchair), it really opens up the question if somehow this plane crash was planned. Seeing Christian Shepherd and Claire in cahoots in the cabin also supports this claim. Although to me, Claire in the cabin is probably way more than it seems because none of her past would make sense. She was always just afraid and being taken away rather than being some sort of actress in a conspiracy of some sort. Also, the timeshift/moving island/wormhole whatever is starting to become a little too much. That being said, this show is still the best in television, but I don't even know how to explain it in a blog.
Cleveland Cavaliers are now done 2-0 in the Eastern Conference Semifinals against Boston. Tonight's game is a must win. If we lose tonight at home, we are done. I think there is a 2% chance we lose the game tonight. Good teams win game 3 at home and I think we are still a good team. It's tough to get this far in the NBA without being some shade of a good team. I fully expect us to win the next two games at home and bring this thing back to Boston tied 2-2. If we don't, start watching baseball.
1 comment:
hey, you should get this: http://cgi.ebay.com/6-original-Survivor-DVD-box-sets_W0QQitemZ180241374930QQihZ008QQcategoryZ46761QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem since your new to the show.
you should also buy a house and stop being retarded by renting.
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