Not a good weekend as I don't think I cashed in one single tournament the entire weekend. I really need to evaluate my game in many different ways. While I did have an entire bad beat reel I was going to post here because I had quite a few in the last two days, there are still points in tournaments where I have made some big mistakes. Namely, I really just need to figure out when I'm in a marginal favorite situation at best and lay down hands when I have chips. Sometimes, I just feel like even if I have a small edge I should be getting in there, but there is so much uncertainty in these situations. I almost feel it's sometimes better to just wait and figure it out by picking up blinds and waiting for a better spot.
I did go to the Orleans for a $105 tourney late Sunday though and with about 80 players in the tournament, I thought it would give me a good chance at making a little bit of money maybe a couple of thousand for the winner. That ended when every player limped for 200 in front of with 1/2 blinds. I had 3k exactly and had just made a long decision to lay a hand down. I had 8d4d (for those that don't know the poker lingo, any letter next to the number is the suit of the card) on the SB (small blind). I completed the bet with 4 players. The flop was 9 8 3d. I led out for 400 and after some thought another player called as did the button who I considered extremely bad. The turn was a Kd giving me an 8 high flush draw and a pair. I checked the turn and the next guy announced all in and it folded to me. I really considered long and hard calling here for a couple of reasons. I believed the all in player knew that the other guy was a calling station which he was, so if he had a real strong hand, he would not have made that move. A smaller bet was much more likely. I really ruled out a set just based on that. The K on the turn gave him AK if he floated the flop, but I really didn't think he would do that or not even raise (KQ, KJ also possible with the limp) It's very tough to figure this out here. That left me thinking he either had 89 suited, 10dJd, 10d7d, Ad9d. I eventually folded after getting the clock called on me and really just deciding that I wasn't beating any hand at all and even making a call would just be straight up gambling. Also, I eventually decided that he would not just jam all in on a draw judging from previous hand, so I gave him credit. Anyway, right after that hand, this 7 way limped pot came in. I found 10 10 on the button and announced I'm on tilt and jammed all my chips in hoping to just pick up the 1500 out there and increase my stack by 50%. The guy in the hand before who limped under the gun calls. Another limper isolates by pushing, so I'm confused by all of this because you would assume a big pair is raising in any of these spots. The initial caller folds 8 8 face up and the isolator shows 7 7, so I'm in absolutely tremendous shape it to 3.5x up my stack. Funny how things have worked for me lately as 8 6 5 comes off on the flop with a 9 on the turn. I just don't know how to get it in better here. Can't be mad about these situations, but this would never happen in any stakes I play online ever. This is something you find in a $10 freeze out.
Anyway, the Sunday tournaments were really disappointing. In the 10 or so tournaments I played, I felt like 3 of them were played poorly. I felt like in the other 7, I was never given a fair chance to win. The most disheartening for me was probably the $100 rebuy on stars because I haven't played many of these lately and was playing extremely well despite a tough table of ComeonPhish, Imperium, XXsteinXX. I got to the point where I had JJ in a position that I could not possibly fold when a short stack pushed he showed AQ and won the race. I eventually shoved on sb with A10 vs bb K10, K99Kx, gg. Maybe even more disheartening was UB today because I played well the entire tournament and had a player shove A4 to my 77 when I couldn't possibly fold. Surprisingly this is a player that I have a lot of respect for, but quite frankly played this hand terribly. Board came out QJ6JQ to counterfeit my hand. The very next hand I had 10 10, utg raised to 300, I shoved for 2k and he called with QJ off and I lost the race. It's really going to be funny when I start running again. I'll probably win 3 Sunday Majors in one day. Along with that, I'll be correcting the mistakes I'm making because I can't blame everything on luck when I just don't even cash in one tournament.
Anyway, American Gladiators the newer version premiered tonight and I've never seen a bigger joke in my life. This could have the biggest waste of 2 hours of corny, terrible television. This show needs to get canceled immediately. I had a good talk today about TV and how pretty much all the shows I like besides LOST and Sopranos have completely bombed out lately, Prison Break, 24, Entourage all have sucked. Please someone save these shows.
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