Monday, December 3, 2007

1500 event at Bellagio

I went early to play satellites, but got there a little too late for the last one again. I bought into the event and this is my first recap of an event, but I figured I would do it to give a little hand insight and what not.

So we started with 3000 chips and I drew a wild first table. All in all before our table broke I think we lost around 20 players. I got off to a quick start when early in level one I picked up AA and raised with two callers, the button and big blind. Flop came J 7 7 rainbow. The BB bet out into me and with little information about him. He seemed ok and not too crazy I flat called planning to push him in on the turn barring some terrible card. The turn was a wonderful 7 making any jack this guy had very difficult to fold. He bet out and I pushed in. He turned over AJ and it held. I was up to 6000. I won a small pot off a tricky old man when I turned a set of sixes on a AK36 board. I only call him tricky because it wasn't long before he got some back and more off me when I raised in early position with 44 in level 2 to 300 with blinds 50/100. He called out of the button and was playing very loose and active. Flop came 332. I bet 400 he called. Turn was a 5 of spades putting two spades up on board. I bet 700, he called. River was a blank 9 and I checked. He quickly bet 1600. I thought about it for a while and made a very bad river call when he showed me 22 for a flopped full house. This was really the only bad play I made all tournament. It was pretty bad. One other interesting hand early was I had QQ in the BB with 25/50 blinds still. A tight player raised from early position to 200 and got 2 callers behind. I didn't want to run into a monster from the tight player and the two callers behind tended to not want to fold many pots, so I just called. I could justify a raise here in limiting the field, but I opted for a conservative and some might call it a very tight route. Flop came A97 and it was an easy fold for me. The funny part about the hand is that one guy had AK (the tight raiser) one guy had 99 and the other had 77. 99 and 77 got it all in here, but the river came a Q, so that is one spot where I win the hand, but it would have been very tough to get there unless the tight guy pushed 4 bet me preflop, which I doubt would have happened. That table became really tough during the second level when TMay 420 and All in at 420 came to my right along with 2 other successful players that I did not know by name.

Anyway, I was at some fairly tight tables after that. My second table had Devin Porter and "Big Riskky" Scott Clements and I dwindled a little bit from that point. I was happy to see that table break as I had both of these solid players directly to my left. I soon got moved to a new table to the direct left of "TheWacoKidd" Jared Hamby, a very successful player that I have played with online since I pretty much started playing poker. Devin Porter followed but was also to my right. From that point, I basically played small ball for a while picking up small pots and blinds when I needed to and making appropriate steals when necessary. I raised with 77 in mid position to 1100 and was pot committed to call a 2600 total all in. He showed 99 and I was down to around 3500. I soon got a nice double up when TheWacoKidd raised in late position and I picked up AQ and moved all in. He was pot committed to call with A10 and I doubled through to about 7500. The very next hand I looked down at AQ and made it 1100 with 200/400 blinds 25 ante. A short stack pushed for about 1700 with K 10 10 x x x x and I was back down 5800. The key hand of the day really came when I looked down at 10 10 in early position. I had around 7k in chips and raised to 1600 with blinds 300/600. I'm basically never folding to a reraise here in a tournament where blinds move up unless a super tight player comes over the top of me. The same guy that pushed with K10 a few rounds ago pushed again for around 3500. I obviously called and he flipped up A9 of hearts. I had the seat 2 view of the door card and the door card comes out the 10 of diamonds, so I was for one second really pumped at having around 12k in chips. Unfortunately the next two cards were J and Q of hearts. He made his straight with the K on the turn and flush on the river with the 2 of hearts. I was down to 3600. I picked up 99 UTG the next hand and put in my 3600 to run into QQ and that was it.

I really felt like I made all the right moves today and had a few spots where I just have to pick up chips in order to survive and I failed to beat hands that I had in pretty bad shape. I finished around 109 out of 509 with 50 paying. It is real frustrating, but all these Bellagio tournaments have been the same way for me. When I play live poker, I rarely make mistakes like I do when I play online and that continued today. I'm not sure if I will buy in to anymore of these events for the rest of the WPT Five Diamond. They are really a bankroll drain if you can't run even halfway decent.

That was my first attempt at a poker recap. I am writing an article for Pocket Fives soon, and I'll be sure to mention it when it comes out.

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