Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I played the main event at Caesar's today and busted in level 6 300/600 75 ante. I ran incredibly hot early with AA getting paid off twice and was up to 27k before I could blink from the 10k starting stack. I then lost a JJ vs AQ for a 12k pot against a good online player I know when someone said AQ and AK were dead 5 4 2 3 J flop. Then I lost a 10 10 vs AA against Phil Gordon in a very tough hand that I may consider writing a blog about just on this hand, but I want to talk to some people first about it. We got it all in after the flop of J 9 3, but it's an interesting situation and one that is about as difficult as it gets in tournament poker.

I was down to 7k but fought my way back up to 15k when thsi hand came up. I had a tight image and raised utg with 8 9 of diamonds to 1700. I get 6 callers. That is not a mistake. I have 6 callers. Flop comes Ad Qd Jd. I bet 4900 of my 13k remaining hoping that someone thinks they have fold equity or something. I probably should have just shoved. Guy behind flat calls, another short stack goes all in for 10k. I go all in for 13k and the flat caller says. I CALL I JUST HAVE A ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH!!! He shows Kd10d. The other guy shows 5d4d and I'm out of the tournament around 115th of the 334 players. I can't believe this hand and I'm still in shock.

Main Event at Caesar's tomorrow

I decided to play a $340 satellite to the main event of the World Series Circuit at Caesar's. To make a long story short, I ended up winning a seat when the top 6 chip stacks gave the 7th place stack $300 each. I brought up the idea of a deal and it worked, so I'm in for $640 + $340 in another satellite. Great value for a tournament of this caliber. The structure is deep and great, so I hope to draw a weaker table and do what I do. If I don't draw a weaker table, it doesn't matter because I'm going to just act as if. (see previous blog if you don't know what this means)

I actually ran awesome in the satellite, but also played great and took advantage of some bubble situations with aggression. I was quickly down to 1300 by the 4th level and shoved with 5 9 of hearts against the BB who called with A10. 5A5 flop 10 on the turn, 8 on river and I doubled up. After that I rushed up to about 10,000 and back down to 4,000 and back up and back down. Finally with 3 tables of 8 left, I pushed for 5200 UTG with 300/600 blinds 75 ante. The button made a tough satellite call with AJ for 60-70% of his stack. I had A10 and spiked a 10 on the turn. After that, it was really no turning back. I made one bad play that I can think of and it was at the final table. With 9 players left, a guy limped for 3000. Now he had limped probably 5 times before this and just folded to any raise. The next guy goes all in for about 21k. I have around 46k and look at 10 10 in the hijack. I think I should have folded, but I decided to call. The other guy who limped now calls. Flop comes J 7 7. Limp caller pushes the rest of his 12-14k in the middle and I call as he shows AK. The other guy shows KK. I win the side pot and a few chips on the hand, but it could have been a disaster. Either way, it probably should have never happened if AK would just raise and KK would reraise. Then it would be an easy fold, but I felt like the guy to my right was starting to pick up on this guy's limp/folds and thus the second shortest guy at the table, he knew he could pick up some chips here. In reality he had KK and I was crushed. It all worked out though and I'll be playing tomorrow.

Monday, April 28, 2008


That motto is a tribute to the mentality I had to have on Sunday and that I need to carry into the rest of the poker. It's from Boiler Room and was given to me as motivation from my friend who thinks my career is his puppet. That's actually a joke.....kind of.

I'm the winner of the Ultimate Bet $200K guaranteed Sunday tournament. A little under 1,000 players played today and I came out on top for my 2nd largest cash ever of $45,000. I think I'm just so tired right now that it hasn't really set in, but I'm thrilled. Sundays are the most frustrating days at times, but playing all the tournaments gives you a shot at some great money. There were so many interesting dynamics at this final table. GBecks, a great online player, got second place and we battled hard heads up for a long time. He just really refused to make a mistake and played so patient. I started with a pretty good size chip lead on him, not sure of the exact numbers. He doubled up when he called with AQ against my K2 and it held. We eventually raced for it all when I had 88 and he shoved over the top of my raise with AK. I won some key races and of course ran well to win a tournament, but I think I made the most of my opportunities at times especially with like 5-3 players left. This blog has to be loopy at this point as that's how I feel after playing from 9:45 today to almost 10pm without a break in there at all. There was always a tournament going of some sort.

I came out in this blog a few weeks ago and said that these next 3 months are going to be absolutely crucial. So far, I've followed that up with an Absolute Poker major tournament win, WPT 2500 final table for 6th and UB Sunday major win.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

WSOP Circuit events

Played 550 Omaha Hi/Lo event and busted around 50th of 155. I also played the 1k yesterday and busted fairly early. Nothing has gone right in these events yet for me, but I'm going to still try to satellite into the main event, a 5k buy in. I haven't been writing much on the blog lately partly because there have been a lot of live tournaments going on and partially because there hasn't been anything exciting to write about. I'm going to be taking a poker break at some point in May where i come back to Mentor/Chicago. Let me know if you are around and want to hang out. Go Cavs!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1K at Caesars WSOPC and Cleveland (or is it Zevelanddddd)

Your Cleveland.....Cavaliers!!!!! Is everyone as excited as I am for the playoffs in Cleveland? Cleveland has risen from the late season dead to show that they are still a team to beat in the East. I guarantee you ladies and gentlemen that Boston does not want to face us in the second round. In fact, they are probably legitimately scared. Why? The Cavaliers are running on all cylinders. They are in the playoff intensity mode and they have the best player in the league playing for them. The chemistry problems that we keep worrying about came together last night in game 2 when the Cavs made a statement game by mauling the Wizards at home. For those of you that have ratted on Mike Brown, you have to give him credit for making moves to put this team in position to win. Finally, we saw why Ben Wallace and Wally were brought into the mix. Ben Wallace fought right back with huge defensive plays early in game 2 to set the tone. When the Wizards started fouling hard, Ben was right there to lay someone out in his paint. Wally finally started nailing shots. When we have shooters out there, Gibson, Wally, and strong inside defense of Wallace and Varajao, we are very tough to beat. We are simply deeper than the Wizards and should beat this team in a max of 5 games.

For the Lebron fans out there, I read a great article about him yesterday that you should all check out. Lebron is hands down my favorite athlete in any sport, so my opinion might be biased.



Played the 1K WSOP circuit event at Caesar's yesterday. It had an excellent structure with 4k in starting chips, 25/25 starting blinds and hour levels. I was quickly up to 11k after the first two levels giving myself an excellent position early on. I won a big pot with JJ early and made a couple of moves to get my stack. The JJ hand was interesting. An UTG raiser to 150, another loose caller, another caller and I have the button with JJ. I could raise here, but I was convinced I could find a great spot by staying patient and keeping pots small preflop. I flat called. The flop came 10 9 6 two diamonds. All 4 players checked to me and I bet about 600 into the 750 pot. I received two callers. Turn was 3 of clubs. It checked to me again and I fired 1500 into the pot. The other loose caller who I just saw blow up with Q9 off suit preflop calls. River is 3 of spades. He quickly checks and I really thought I could get it all about 2500 of it. So I put it in and he quickly called and tapped the table. That was the extent of the big hands that occurred for the next 2-3 levels. I basically tried to stay active, but was never dealt a big pair or anything. I eventually called a shortstack's 2k all in when I had about 9500 in chips 200/400 blinds with 50 ante. It was an easy call even though I had the blinds, button and cutoff to get through. I won the 88 vs AJ with a flopped set. After that, there weren't many big confrontations, but with blinds rising quickly right before the 300/600 level change with about 10 minutes to go in the level I picked up 88 again UTG and raised to 1200. It folds to the BB who goes all in. At this point, there is 500 (antes)+200(bb)+1200(my raise)+ 5500 of his total. I have to call 4300 more into this 7400 pot. Another tough situation here even though I know lots of people at my table would quickly call here. I have about 11000 before the hand, so this represents about half my stack. I decided to call and looking at pokerstove giving him a range of 66+, AJ+ KQ, I have 45% equity, so having roughly 1.75 to 1 in pot odds, I don't think it's a bad call. What factors in here though is do I lose fold equity in the later rounds. Online you probably do, but in live tournaments fold equity is actually achieved with a lower M or BB count. I ended up losing the race when he showed AK KK7 flop 6 9.

I was kind of crushed because being so patient for so long you just have to hope to win the big race. I was down to a shoving stack and eventually settled on J8 off suit when it folded to me in the cutoff at 300/600 blinds and I had 4500 chips. I pushed was called by 10 10 Bink Jack and I'm still alive. Then I raised with 9 10 of clubs and was called by a looser older guy. Flop came Ac 8c 3h. In playing against this guy, he floated with hands and wasn't afraid to put people to the test. So I just decided to take the play away from him and pushed about 7500 into a 4800 ish pot. He folded and I was healthy again. Same guy called again when I raised in the cutoff with A5 off. Flop came AQ10 rainbow. I fired 3k into the pot and he shoved 13k in the middle. I had about 7k left and was put to the test here. If I have a dominated ace, I'm crushed and out. I still have 7k if I fold which is a little over 10 BB's. I decided to call after really thinking for about 3 minutes. My reasoning here was that QJ, 10J, KQ, Ax are in his range enough here. I know this guy would raise with AK or AQ b/c I saw it several times and any of those pairs over 10's. When really breaking this down, I looked at A10 being the killer hand and only one he had. AJ also and KJ was weird because I would have expected him to slowplay. I called and he showed A6, so we were basically even to chop. I protected some chips here, but made a decent call in my opinion. Then I was moved to another table shortly after losing a small pot to a shortstack with KJ of spades vs 77. At the new table UTG raises to 1800, the button reraises to 7k. I pinch an A, and I pinch another A. AA!!!! FINALLY THEY HAD ARRIVED!!! I'm all in for about 8500 I think. Other guy folds and the other guy has KK. SUPERCOOLER!!!! K54 flop. Good game Kevin. Out in about 46th of 237 players with 27 getting paid in a terrible way to go out. I played well today, but I need a little break to get refocused for the next round. I'm on a bad downswing online since my big tournament win and think I'm just not focused enough. In live tournaments though, I feel like I've been playing very well. Playing well doesn't always mean winning though in this game.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Satellite/Cavs/Poker/how do i reach these kidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Let's get down to business. I haven't done anything in the blog because I'm running poorly online. I've come to accept downswings online as part of all of this, but it doesn't mean it isn't frustrating.

I played the WPT Main Event Satellite today and lost in the fourth level of blinds. I am beginning to think I might be too tight of a player, but I was card dead today. I picked up 2 hands. 66 and AJ. I usually shy away from hands like this unless I'm really short or really chipped up. I raised with 66 and had to call a short stack shove from a looser player yet he showed up with QQ. From there I blinded for a level and a half. I tried to find spots to steal and couldn't and never picked up anything to get me going. When I was down to about 10 BB a limper for 200 at 100/200 25 ante I shoved right behind him. Another guy called my 24? ish push. The limper reshoved and the other guy folded. He showed AK and I got mad at myself for not being more patient. J in the door, K also blah blah blah.

I'll play a good weekend schedule online and plan on playing the WSOP Circuit events at Caesar's the next two weeks. It is probably better than any time of the year to have a big series of a few weeks. With the WSOP coming up into full force, I need a solid bankroll to be able to play comfortably. I think the best players are always comfortable in the level of tournament they play in. They are prepared to be aggressive and risk a smaller cash for the big prizes up top. That's why the WSOP is so interesting. Almost every player is playing for an amount they have only in their wildest dreams thought about winning. Either way, I'm ready for all of this. A big online win, a big live event final table in 2 events, and just my overall attitude are gearing me up for this. I'm staying humble regardless of my success or failure. It's really a matter of I've been able to do what I want as far as following this talent of mine succeed a little, but always keep dreaming for more.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

6th place

I finished to me a disappointing 6th place. I came into the day with 90k and 5th in chips with a pretty good feeling. I really can't say much about this tournament in terms of hands because I didn't have very many. I made some savvy steals and a couple squeezes in day 1 when I was short to keep me alive until my big hands. I only had 3 big hands all day after hour 1. Today, it was more of the same and a tough decision on hand 1. Hand 1 the chip leader Roy Winston raises UTG to 12k with 2/4k blinds 500 ante. I have 90k and look at AQ on the button. It was to me a decision that is really the toughest in poker when a solid player like Roy raises UTG on the very first hand of a major final table and I have 22 big blinds. What to do? My options are 3. Flat calling and playing post flop is an option, but I figure the chip leader is going to fire at every pot. Move all in. I won't get called by any hands I'm beating. At best I can be racing against the pairs he's raising with. I figure Roy to be a solid player and have seen him play solid almost every moment. He doesn't do too much out of line especially under the gun. I just decided to fold and he showed 88 and I have been thinking through the hand for a while now. If I shove, I'm not sure if he folds. He has 250k prior to the hand and raising to 12k would put 12+4.5+6 into the pot at 32k When I shove to 90k total he's going to have 122k with 78k to call. It's a tough decision for him even with 88, but I consider that hand to really be at the bottom half of his range here. I decided to fold. After that I couldn't pick up a hand the rest of the tournament. I watched a few players go out and made one steal. Then with 6 players I picked up Q10 off on the cut off and raised it to 16k with 3k/6k blinds 1000 ante. I have 77k in my stack at this point. I'm pretty sure no one will play back at me unless I'm destroyed and I can have 60k an easy 10 BB shoving stack if someone does that. The only kicker is that a real tight player has 32k behind, but I'm not that worried about that as he is on the button. He flat calls the 16k! Flop comes K J 2. I put the 16k to set him in. He calls with KJ and I miss my straight. Now I'm down to 45k. I should really be looking to push anything, but I wasn't able to open a pot at all and a few rounds around I shoved a 3 7 suited and everyone folded. I was looking for anything really but the same thing Q5, 2 5, 6 8, 2 7, Q3, and then I finally shoved with 5 8 off suit on the button with 32k total and was called by KQ. I lost that even though I'm owed one of those from 3 years back where on Paradise I lost a big hand in the same manner with the KQ. Either way, I'm pretty disappointed as I really wasn't given a shot to even play or use any of the abilities I have. I was short stacked the entire tournament and so card dead except for 3 pairs that I got paid on 99, QQ, AA. I don't think I had AK once outside the first level. I know that cards don't determine a champion, but short stacked and up against good players, you just need something to have a shot. Either way 18k isn't too bad at all and brings me into the black for the year in live tournaments. Not sure what I'm doing next in poker.

On to the Bellagio 2500 Final Table

I just got home at around 3am after a long day that started at 12pm. I am at my second WPT preliminary event final table and it is probably as strong a final table as you'll find in one of these things. Roy "The Oracle" Winston, J.C. Tran, Darrel "Gigabet" Dicken all have around or over 200k in chips. I'm sitting in probably 7th with about 90k in chips. Blinds start at 3k/6k with a 500 ante. I'm real excited for tomorrow and am writing so all the people I didn't get in touch with today have a clue about tomorrow. I'll be sleeping in as the final table starts at 3pm, so wish me luck (something that has been ambivalently surrounding me in this tournament). By that statement, I mean I've been so card dead for long stretches and then I finally get a huge hand that runs into other big hands and I've been lucky enough to hold on. Today I had QQ vs 77 after a AQ7 flop and then with 10 players left an AA when I was down to about 30k run into 10 10 and 9 9 ( I woke up on the BB with the hand). I have some super loose and aggressive good players to deal with tomorrow, but I can say that I'm completely confident and ready for the challenge. The winner gets around $223,000 with 9th place getting around $8,000. Let's hope I'm near the upper end of that scale.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I'm thrilled that one of the top 5 sporting events of the entire year will occupy this weekend. Don't disagree to soon about that statement because it's true. Golf is a game that is enjoyed by all ages and both sexes when it's on TV in a huge tournament like the Masters. Not only is Augusta arguably the most recognizable course in all of golf, this is the one tournament that every player wants to win the most. Furthermore, the course is tough and watching the greatest players struggle all week to just stay under par is always fun to watch. Since the equipment and talent has increased exponentially over the past years, the people designing these holes, pin positions, and tee boxes, etc. have decided to take back the game from the players. The story lines around this week. There is really only one.

MGM sportsbook

Tiger Woods +120
The Field -150

That should say enough, but let's remember a few things. Tiger has never won a major if he wasn't leading after day 3. He has also never lost if he was leading after day 3. I think this stat should be completely telling of what will happen this week. I cheer for Tiger every time he plays because I simply love watching his opponents cower and choke on day 4 when they are playing with Tiger. The only way to really beat Tiger is to hope you are close, but maybe one group ahead or one group behind, so you don't have to play with him. This is how Zach Johnson did it last year at the Masters, and also, how Angel Cabrera sneaked out the US Open (although I swear there was something to a golfer smoking during the round.) Is there any other sport where a player can smoke in one of the 4 biggest matches of the year if not in his career?

I don't feel great about Tiger this week. I feel like it's been the entire storyline over the past 3 months when related to golf and everyone kind of expects him to win all 4 for some reason which is virtually impossible again. He already did it once even though people decided not to count it for some reason. If you hold all 4 trophies, you have completed the Grand Slam. The only difference is that you don't have 7 months to brag about it. You only have 2-3 months between majors to brag about it.

Try not listening to this 100 times. Broda and I used to pregame with this song on repeat.

So what do you suppose are the other 4 of the top 5 sporting events of the year? Well, I can't include Cleveland sports in any of these because I would rank them high every year, but the Super Bowl is for sure in top 5 every year and probably the World Series even though this is questionable. If there is a World Cup, it's automatically the best sporting event of the year even though it's every four years. My point is that I can't even think of that many other things I care about more in sports.

Try not getting chills watching this video. Pay attention to the worst speculative statement by an announcer in history. "There's a good chance he doesn't get this inside Dimarco's ball."

Monday, April 7, 2008

Anna Honey has Kings!!!

So I just had a great weekend with my girlfriend, more commonly known as Anna Honey. I finally persuaded her after watching a little poker to play some limit hold em 3/6.

She played tight like I told her too for the first half hour probably and only made a few calls and good folds from what she told me. Then this hand comes up.

A new guy straddles to $6. I'm in SB, Anna Honey in BB. 7 people call including Anna Honey and me. I have AQ off. Flop comes K J 3. I check and Anna Honey bets into 7 people with 7 calling including me. Turn is 7. Anna Honey bets $6 and 4 call including me. River is a 9. Anna Honey checks, next guy bets $6 another guy raises to $12. Anna Honey calls and the other guy calls. The raiser shows K7 for two pair and I look disgusted because I figure there goes more of my money, but Anna Honey

I had a lot of fun and will be getting back to poker after a good break.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bad Poker

I'm in poker frustration mode. I was set and ready to go for the Bellagio first event and I was gone right before the first break. Starting with 4k chips, I was down to 2800 after really nothing eventful and just making a few raises with marginal hands and trying to continuation bet my way out of it. I was involved in no pots where I lost more than 500 chips. Then this hand came up. I was in the SB at 50/100 levels with around 2800 maybe 2850. I had AQ. UTG limped, 2 more from UTG limped, another limp, then the button makes it 450. I look down at AQ and see a lot of dead money in the pot and a lot of people that were playing loosely limping, so I just pushed because I had a pretty tight image. The second limper had QQ and the initial raiser had AK gg. I still don't understand why the second limper would not raise with QQ. If he does, AK reraises and I easily fold, but that's part of the luck involved. I'm not crazy about my play, but with blinds going up to 100/200, I was trying to pick up some easy chips. Not so easy.

Yesterday online, I felt pretty good, but only ended up with a 19th place finish in the 100 freezeout on Stars. 6 handed with 3 tables left, I had AA utg with 45k in chips. I limp under the gun for 4k. Next guy pushes and has me covered. Another shortstack is all in, so if I beat the first pusher I at least make a few chips. 88 KK and the board runs out 10 9 8 J K GG.

I also grinded my way up to a step 6 for the WSOP today and played AK super weak and I allowed AQ to push me around preflop and then after the AQ9 flop I played extremely soft and lost a lot of my chips check calling the whole way. I probably should have been better in this hand. Then I eventually got back up after an AK vs 6s7s. I won a race with AJ vs 88. Then I raised to 450 from the SB with 75/150 blinds and I got pushed by the BB who had J10. Oh great and he hit a 10. Then I built it back up again only to be knocked out in the bubble 7th (where you get absolutely nothing) 6th at least gets 500. A10 vs A9. I hate poker.

Then I played tonight.

Full Tilt Poker Game #5898052092: Table Cranwood (6 max) - $2/$4 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:10:07 ET - 2008/04/03
Seat 1: JoRDANe ($480.60)
Seat 2: FastEddie267 ($400)
Seat 3: JIMMY BLUFF1TT ($410)
Seat 4: kice32 ($451.60)
Seat 5: thelilbearbeeny ($583.20)
Seat 6: PlzFoldxX ($400)
JIMMY BLUFF1TT posts the small blind of $2
kice32 posts the big blind of $4
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to kice32 [As Ah]
thelilbearbeeny raises to $14
PlzFoldxX folds
JoRDANe raises to $44
FastEddie267 folds
kice32 has 15 seconds left to act
kice32 raises to $148
thelilbearbeeny folds
JoRDANe has 15 seconds left to act
JoRDANe has requested TIME
JoRDANe raises to $480.60, and is all in
kice32 calls $303.60, and is all in
JoRDANe shows [Kh Ks]
kice32 shows [As Ah]
Uncalled bet of $29 returned to JoRDANe
*** FLOP *** [7c 3d Kd]
*** TURN *** [7c 3d Kd] [Js]
*** RIVER *** [7c 3d Kd Js] [6s]
JoRDANe shows three of a kind, Kings
kice32 shows a pair of Aces
JoRDANe wins the pot ($916.20) with three of a kind, Kings
kice32 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $919.20 | Rake $3
Board: [7c 3d Kd Js 6s]
Seat 1: JoRDANe showed [Kh Ks] and won ($916.20) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 2: FastEddie267 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: JIMMY BLUFF1TT (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: kice32 (big blind) showed [As Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 5: thelilbearbeeny folded before the Flop
Seat 6: PlzFoldxX didn't bet (folded)

That will sum up the night.

Question from David123

While playing PLO – I often jam the money in on the flop with +ev but without having made a single hand since my 4 cards are often connectors/suits that leave me with lots of outs but cant beat a pair at the time the money goes in. I know that getting the money in while ahead – 60/40 – will prove to be successful in the long run. However, would it be wise to check-call when I’m merely drawing half flush/straights so I leave myself some fold equity when I don’t hit, or should I just jam the money and sit back?

I think you have to jam because people can get away from hands in PLO like sets when that straight comes up or flush finally hits. If it's positive EV, you should probably be doing it. Not to mention the amount of times when that guy has such a weaker hand (a 2 pair type hand).

Also, when opening early with 4 connecting cards then getting reraised pre by someone who is polarizing his hand to AAxx, is betting pot on a low flop going to scare the villain with the overpair away and fold his high pair frequently enough to be +ev. What about check-raising when he bets pot with his overpair? Or check/calling then betting pot if the turn brings another low card- a possible straight?

This question is loaded to me with the essence of PLO. It all depends on the player. If you know the guy isn't getting away from AAxx on any board, then calling with almost anything to me preflop is the way to go. So many times, it's not an easy call in PLO unless you know the guy, so what I try to do is err on the side of caution until you have an idea of how the player plays. Then attack with all the moves in your book that you think will work.

Lastly, how should AAxx best be played post flop when all you have is your overpair? (OOP, and in position). How does it affect you when there are 2 guys post flop?

Two parts to my answer here. If it's a scary board, just shut down. More often than not, it's really just costly to get involved in a big pot. Remember also that you don't have to always bet the pot. Controlling the pot is probably the biggest lesson that no one seems to learn in this game. Size your bets throughout your session as standard 1/2 pot, 3/4 pot, 1/3 the pot to mix it up. I say this because sometimes people think if you don't bet the pot you don't have it. So make those bets when you have something strong. This will disguise your fear when you have AAxx and will cost you less than having to bet the pot and fold when someone plays back at you with an obvious set, better draw, etc.

In general with AAxx, my theory is that I would rather be the one capitalizing on the AAxx mistakes of my opponents than the one with AAxx making those same mistakes. AA is good in hold em and really when you look at it against most hands, it's about as good as an AK vs 89 in hold em.